Discourse Community as a Cashier in Chipotle

Discourse Community

A Discourse Community is a collection of people who work together to communicate and accomplish a common objective using a particular language or jargon. These communities may be found in a variety of contexts, including professional associations, internet forums, and fan communities.

The information, ideas, and values that are shared by members of a discourse community are frequently reinforced via the use of particular language and discourse practices. It is possible for community members to communicate more effectively and efficiently with one another because to this common knowledge and understanding.

The Six Discourse Community as a working a restaurant

Reading the article of John Swales about Discourse community, I wouldn’t know the fully definition of it. he explained the six characteristic of his definition of discourse community. I will providing personality experience as a cashier/crew member at chipotle

  1. Broadly agreed set of common public goals

Working at chipotle was not an easy job. dealing with customer services and food can really stressful thats why we are assigned goals to follow to make sure our environment and community are happy. our goal was to make sure the customers are stratified of their food and pay the right amount. My goal was to make sure the environment is clean and peaceful.

2. Mechanisms of intercommunication among its members

We all had a group WhatApp to talk about schedules ,meetings, and etc if anyone would be coming late, they was allowed to text the group chat or the manager personal about attendance. we all had each other number with our own personality picture on the contract therefore, it was easy to contact anybody you know personally.

3. Its Participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback

Managers train the workers before they perform their job to make sure everything is correct and safely done. chipotle takes safely serious so we would have to do online training safety every two weeks and take a quiz at the end to make sure we were paying attention

4. Utilizes and hence possesses one or more genre in the communicative furtherance of its aims.

As a cashier, the printer would print out two receipts. one for the customer and one for us to keep. I would have to keep every receipts and hand it to the manager at the end of the day. not only to make sure the money doesn’t go short but to keep every data in the systems. therefore, it was more like an evidence type for the higher boss to see.

5. Discourse community has acquired some specific lexis.

As a team we all add codes names to talk and understand what was going on around us. if we ran out of chicken, we would shout “chicken empty or chicken emergency” or if er need more cash out the restaurant, we would should “Cash” and our mangers and are member knows because that how we communicated among ourselves without making too much noise or talking.

6. Threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise

I was a cashier and I was able to learn to do almost everything at the Job within three months, I was able to learn how to cool, serve, wash dishes properly, clean and etc. It was easy to cash on based on my oberservation and training.


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