this image show's how being in a community can bring people together.

Discourse community

This article discusses communities. Many of us are part of a community, like in schools, clubs, hometowns, etc. But the author wants us to understand the difference between a discourse community and a speech community. I also think that the author wants us to understand the big picture of a discourse community because people interpret this community can be the basis of their argument.

The author wants us to get used to coming together to explain certain things and appreciate other people’s goals and values within the discourse community. It uses its ability to gather outsiders to ask about what they believe in or something special they cherish. It debates what discourse communities should be shared on, like objects or different genres of mode conversations.

With a discourse community, you can set and see the long or short-term goals you’ve created for yourself. It becomes open to others. Then the speech community becomes involved. This community is all about conversing on a specific topic and communicating with people. It also provides a way to give detailed information feedback, allowing others to agree or disagree on what is being discussed.

Although speech is a part of communicating, a discourse community is the main focus of this reading. Not much information is in the speech community. I think the discourse is an important community that the author wants people in today’s society to use more because it would bring people together and make them want to engage in conversations that can be discussed.


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