Using I in a sentence





I understand the purpose of not using I in a sentence. The article mentions how Using I less makes you improvise. I can understand this as without using I you have to write your sentences a certain way a way you may not be used to making your sentence. This challenges you in your writing and makes you not rely on things that you’re used to doing. If you’re ever in a position where you have to be out of your comfort zone you’ll be able to still write something of decent quality when limiting yourself. This could allow you to be able to be a stronger writer. If you’re able to write without the tools your used to being able to use in writing imagine what you can do with the tools you normally use. Plus this could allow you to possibly find new ways of writing things because of your new perspective on writing maybe, maybe not who knows. But sometimes limitations bring out creativity. In conclusion, Limitations are sometimes a good thing for writing. Sometimes these limits are a good motivator to come up with something completely different and brand new for your writing. Other times this could make you improve your writing, As if you are writing limited imagine how good you could write without these limits. While most of the time limitations are a bad thing in this case these limitations can help you improve your writing and possibly help you come up with something new.


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