"Am I good Enough?" written in a journal

The Importance of Individualizing Your Writing

Finding Your Voice & Style

In the article titled, “Finding Your Style and Voice,” the author Sister Molly Heine talks about the importance of finding your style and voice in your writing as well as how to find them without having to use “I” in your writing. It is important to know how to use personal experiences and opinions in different pieces of writing. An example that Heine uses in the article is when writing a research paper. Though most of a research paper should discuss the research you found, it is still important to add in your own personal beliefs and experience as well, but in this setting, it would be worded in a more professional and proper way. Having the ability to differentiate your voice and style between different pieces of writing is a very important skill to have as a writer since it makes your writing more personal. I really related to Heine in this article when she talked about how she was very shy as a child and felt as though her words and opinions weren’t as important as others. I was also a very shy child and did not openly talk about how I felt about certain things in my life since I was scared to be judged by others. I found writing as a way to express myself and my feelings without having the fear of being judged by others. I continue to work on trying to find my voice through my writing and add more personal opinions and experiences to my writing so that the audience can connect with who I am. As I continue to grow as a writer, I become more confident in my writing and feel way more comfortable putting my feelings and ideas into words. As Heine states, words are very powerful so finding the correct words and voice for your writing is important to send that powerful message to your audience of readers.


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