Sommers, “Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers.”




When reading Sommers, “Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers,” there is a chapter titled “Revision strategies of student writers” and in this chapter Sommers mentions how most students were never efficiently taught how to revise their work and even how many students were naive to the concept of revision of their work. This is something that I personally resonate with because when I went through middle and high school, I was absolutely not taught how to effectively revise an essay and even more, there were very few times when this was something that was even encouraged by teachers.

I think that because of that fact, now I find it very hard to revise work because it is something relatively new to me and I often find myself not even wanting to do it. When I finish an essay its almost like i’ve closed the chapter of that book, I finished the assignment and now I no longer need to keep working on it, and this makes it hard to go back to and revise. The one essay that I wrote and revised several times was my college essay, I wrote my first draft and then revised it three or four times, partly because this was an essay that was important and needed to be good but also because I liked what I was writing about and I was telling a story I wanted to tell really well. Even now thinking about that essay, I would change many things about it.


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