Opened book with bright light coming out of it.

Magic in Writing




Stephen King is a well known name in the world of literature. He is someone I would consider extremely credible and knowledgeable in his field of work, which is why I chose to read this article about his twenty rules. I feel as though his work is so enticing and his words of wisdom can help guide me in my future writing endeavors. He explains the importance of writing for yourself before writing for others. This was an interesting perspective to me because oftentimes I go right into writing for the audience. Maybe it is because I am lazy and would prefer to do less work or maybe it is because I never thought this method could be beneficial to my work.

I also liked the part of the article where he explains taking a break. This is something I do on the regular. Even while writing this blog post, I stopped and got distracted on my phone numerous times. I don’t think getting distracted and taking a break from my writing exactly fall under the same category, however, I have noticed when I take some time to focus on something else it is easier to me to continuing writing. When I sit and stare at my laptop writing for too long I lose track of my thoughts and my ideas feel repetitive.

King relates writing to magic. It is interesting to think that he feels this way because I don’t think many people would agree. However I do agree that his writing is magic. He writes in a way that he does not care what anyone else thinks which makes his work so genius. He writes to his full potential and creativity which yes creates magic. 

From my perspective I would not say that I feel the same about my writing. Yes, this blog post is written in my own personal style, but nothing about it feels magical. I think the magic comes from a piece of writing with a deeper meaning.


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