variously colored doodles of document planning

Format and Design



Document design is something I pay great attention to when I write. I always make sure all of my text is written in Times New Roman and that my text size is twelve. I never use bold in my text unless I’m writing a paper with headings before each paragraph. I also am obsessive about how much I write in each paragraph because it bothers me when one paragraph starts and ends on two different pages. To avoid this, I usually break up my paragraph into two smaller paragraphs so that everything fits perfectly. I usually feel that if my paper is formatted properly, I can organize my ideas more. I also try to be cautious about the consistency in my writing. For example, citations, timelines, and the use of words like I, we, us, you. 

In the article “Beyond Black on White: Document Design and Formatting in the Writing Classroom” by Michael J. Klein and Kristi L. Shackelford they remind the reader why formatting is so important. Sticking to a format and having everything organized allows the reader to be able to comprehend easily because they aren’t focused on the sloppiness of the piece. Rather, they are focused on what is being said. Additionally, papers written with consistent format are more appealing to the readers.  The writers also explain why papers are formatted the way they are and why it has been this way for years now without changing. They explain that the right format is best for the audience. For example, the use of black text is deliberate. Black is easily visible on a white piece of paper more than grey is. 


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