Group of people working at a desk to solve a puzzle.


Honestly, I do not think I have really collaborated on a paper. Of course, I have worked with classmates on projects and reports, but nothing to the extent of a cohesive paper that was not broken up by bullet points. I think it might be difficult for me to write with someone else because I am so used to writing in my own ways. However, I feel like it could be very beneficial for me to try writing alongside a peer or partner. I think it would make me a better writer.

In order to collaborate on a paper successfully, it is important that the partners have some what of a background on the other or they converse about what their writing style is like.

If I had to write a collaborative paper today, I would definitely want to work with one of my friends of similar ideals. It would be a lot more comfortable to fail and try again with one of my friends rather than a classmate I do not know. This is also because I think we would be able to bounce ideas off of each other very well and understand our separate writing styles and how to create a successful piece of work incorporating both.

Though I mentioned, I would prefer to write alone, I think the highest quality of work can come from collaboration. Rebecca Ingalls expresses the different ways a person can collaborate and be successful. In music, in medicine, in law, in education etc. The best work comes from two or more people of expertise come together and combine their fullest efforts and ideas.


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