Good Lord is it Hard to Write Under Unfamiliar Conditions



Reading through the process of writing research between, Carol Berkenkotter and Donald Murphy opened my eyes to a lot of ideas. Specifically, I consider the 1-hour library session and think to myself, “Yeah, if that were me nothing would written down on that page when my time was up.”In all seriousness, when I consider the process of conducting a formal study toward my writing process, I realize how sensitive I am to outside stimulation. It’s hard enough for me to hunker down and get to work when I’m alone in a room by myself, so imagine me being made to write in an unfamiliar setting or with someone breathing down my neck. The point I’m trying to make is that it’s really hard to analyze something like “writing” in its purest environment, let alone planning and strategy.

To give you a frame of reference for this, I’m currently writing this blog post with somebody in the room as they watch videos at a moderate volume: and it took me roughly twenty minutes to get started on writing this damn thing! I feel like even the screen recording/ webcam method that I’m currently using for my project has its flaws. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had one of those recordings fail; the webcam will record but the screen will fail, or vice versa. And it’s resulted in me being so conscious and frustrated that end up not even wanting to do my recording sessions, and affecting my writing as a consequence.


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