Revising Essay

The Art of Revision



Speaking my thoughts, not only helps me organize them, but it also helps me clarify them. Everything that is spinning around in my brain tends to make either a lot more sense or no sense at all when I say it aloud. Typically, after writing a paper I read it aloud to myself or a peer and it really helps me conduct a fluent paper. When I speak the words I have written, I tend to hear what does not flow, or what mistakes I have created.

Berkenkotter conducts a study on how saying anything that comes to mind while writing effects what is written. Personally, I speak a lot when Im writing because my thoughts always feel messy, until I can hear them out loud. However, if I was aware I was being recorded, I would most likely be silent while writing. Similarly, when I go to the library to do my homework or really any public setting I stay quiet out of the respect of others working and also because I would probably be embarrassed to have someone see my talking to myself while writing.

If this experiment was conducted on me, but I did not know I was being recorded I would definitely speak and more around a lot. Speaking, moving around, and different hand gestures help me create my thoughts into a well conducted paper.

Revising a paper is very different for every person, but it often includes a lot of editing, changing words, and second guessing what is written.


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