sleepy rat laying down on stable

Why are Revisions important?



The article “Decisions and Revisions” by Carol Berkenkotter basically gave me an insight into understanding how writers revise; we must pay attention to the settings they are in and what kind of tasks gets in their way that they must confront. In order to prove evidence, they did research using a MRD model. The MRD model basically stood for Methods to conduct a research, Research and Discussions.

It was fascinating because the setting and environment an individual is in can really affect their style and writing. For my own evidence to see if setting can really affect my writing, I decided to conduct research on how many times I check my phone while doing a writing assignment. I had an assignment for another writing class about a movie I watched and what character I associated with the most. As I was recording myself, I went on my phone more than I thought I would.

It scares me because I haven’t finished completely watching the whole video, but I’m halfway there, and there are so many times when I go on my phone and get so distracted. Then I find myself re-reading the paragraphs again and not knowing what to write next because I distracted myself with my phone. I found the research to be very intriguing because, as an individual, you wouldn’t think much could affect your writing, but it really does. Little things like checking your phone can feel like you only did it multiple times, but it was a lot more, honestly.


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