Shitty First Drafts




After reading “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamont and “Why I Reject the Idea of Shitty First Drafts (And What I Do Instead)” by Renee Long, I have come to both agree and disagree with Lamont’s take on the concept of the “Shitty First Draft”. While I learned a lot from Lamont’s perspective, I do not believe that the first draft is necessarily terrible. Lamont seems to imply that the first draft is the worst possible outcome of writing, but in reality, it is simply a starting point for improvement. Peer reviews and feedback from teachers or professors can help to correct and enhance the initial draft, leading to a second or even a third draft that is significantly better. 

Before coming to college, I believed that my writing had to be perfect from the very beginning. As a result, any feedback I received made me feel bad or left me unsure about how to improve my writing. However, I have come to realize that this mindset is detrimental to growth as a writer. As Lamont notes, “All good writers write them. This is how they end up with good second drafts and terrific third drafts.” In other words, even the most accomplished writers start with an imperfect first draft, but it is through the process of revision and improvement that they arrive at a final product that is truly great. This is why you have peer reviews and also have your teacher and or professor make comments so that you can correct and make your writing better. good writer, you have to start with a not-so-good first draft, and that is ok because you can constantly improve yourself and improve your writing. 


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