Using Feedback On Your Writing



Throughout Grauman’s writing, she believes that providing feedback to students is one of the most challenging part coming from the instructor. Students may feel stuck on how to accept and take in the feedback given to them which is one of the many challenges they go through and think about when receiving feedback. Students feel more comfortable when they receive real and genuine feedback that will encourage them to either make changes to their writing, or feel a sense of accomplishment. Grauman explains that most students have a hard time making the proper changes that are needed to have a well written paper. Grauman emphasizes that there are four goals students need to successfully have a well written paper. She states “a personal narrative, an overview of typical challenges, recommendations for using feedback, and student revision examples.” In other words, providing positive feedback to students on how to make new changes to their writing makes students feel more comfortable and have motivation to make those changes that are needed. If students receive positive feedback on their papers, and receive the proper feedback from their instructors, this helps students get a clear and positive understanding on what needs to be done to have a well written paper. Grauman believes that some students will not take advice from their instructors if feedback that is given to them comes across as judging what they wrote, providing negative feedback, and not giving them a clear idea and understanding on what changes they need to make to their paper.


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