Sister Molly Heine



When analyzing this reading, I learned that using the word I in your writing is only sometimes ok. This didn’t surprise me because I was always told to take myself out of my writing and leave out my personal opinions. I wanted to incorporate this line into my response. “When writing, find your style and voice, because once you find your style and voice, they will always show themselves in your writing.” I believe this is true because, with my experience with writing, I have learned that I have a unique way of writing. I also wanted to take the time to point out how the reading focuses on why it is so important to find a writing style that suits and works for you. I was not always the most substantial writer, and when I finally found a writing style that I was  comfortable with, it enhanced my writing and made me feel confident about it. I also challenged myself by taking a creative writing class in high school. I had to write poems, research papers and plays. This helped to develop my writing skills as well. Sister Molly Heine stresses that it takes practice to achieve a writing style and be good at it. When becoming a writer, you will only sometimes succeed, but if you want to be good at something, you will keep trying and put in the effort. I learned to do that with my writing, and now I am a good writer. The article was short and simple but filled with valuable information to help future writers find their writing style.


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