Pedagogy, connectivity, multimodality, and interdisciplinary:





Throughout the reading, Carmen Luke discusses the evolution of new media, and enables people to try and gather texts that combine different types of languages with various visuals and gestures. Luke believes that creating new and different layouts of various languages and relations. Throughout the different online media sources, there is a wide variety of different languages that are being spoken. Luke emphasizes that people who are online using different social media platforms, have the ability to share different texts and thoughts, but receive the correct and immediate feedback to gain knowledge of different languages and how they are spoken on the media. Many people on social media have the ability to learn different languages and try to learn in another way to receive the correct feedback from social media platforms. Luke also emphasizes that learners need to explore different and various forms of literacy because it gives them the ability to come out of their comfort zone and how people who speak different languages online, have different views of literacy.


In Sister Molly Heine’s writing, she emphasizes how important it is to be original in your writing, and use personal experiences to make writing more creative and interesting for the audience. Writing about a topic you are interested in gives you the opportunity to explore your interests and your voice, and writing makes it easier to write and it flows smoothly. Heine emphasizes that writing should not always be about your perspective, rather balancing out how much of it is from your own perspective and research. Heine uses a great example of how we talk to our friends then we do to our boss, or a professional. The language we use when we talk to friends is a different tone than talking to a professional, we use the same language just in a different voice.


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