



Throughout Gee’s writing, he explains that literacy is more than just writing and reading, and language isn’t necessarily grammar, it’s how you say it and what you say. Throughout Gee’s writing, he talks about the different types of discourses. He believes that there is conflict and tension within one’s discourse. However one’s discourse is, he believes how you speak, and the type of language you use, is who you truly are as a person. Gee goes on to describe the several ideas about discourses and their meanings behind them. He first describes primary socialization, which is what we carry from our families and how that helps us grow as individuals, how it affects us long term, etc. Secondary discourses are the norms that shape an individual’s behavior. Dominant discourses are the same as secondary discourses which bring out the best in an individual in the best possible way. And non-dominant discourses are another form of secondary discourses that brings the community together in a particular social setting. Gee believes that primary and secondary discourses are very similar to learning a new language. At the end of Gee’s writing, he brings in an example of a 5 year old, and a story that is written by him/her. The purpose of the story is the details that are shown in the writing that affect her literacies and shows her language, and how she writes.

Multiple Literacies, New Literacies, and Teacher Education:

Throughout Cervetti’s writing, she explains that the different types of literacies and new types of literacies can possibly affect education in today’s society. Cervetti examines literacy that is already existing today, and examines how it affects in school and out of school multiple literacies that could possibly affect education today. Teachers need to be aware of the new and different types of literacies in education, as it can not only help them learn with the students, but help them grow as educators. She questions how these new types of literacies perform in   different kinds of projects and practices in their classrooms. Her writing is in all, typing to help current and future teachers and gives five recommendations on how teachers can shape their futures as educators to provide students the proper and different literacies that can help students and even teachers better understand these literacies and how the teachers and students can bring them to the classroom to create a fun and educational learning environment.


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