own your writing

The article “What’s Needed is Magic: Writing Advice from Haruki Murakami” offers insights and advice on writing, drawing inspiration from the renowned author Haruki Murakami. It dives into his unique approach to storytelling and provides tips for aspiring writers. Temple collected what’s thought to be his best advice, as tribute for Murkami’s 70th birthday.

Murakami advocates for thoughtful observation rather than jumping to conclusions or judgments about good and wrong. The focus is on preserving the details of the scene scenario and delaying making any quick value judgments. The method entails handling an entire image as a “sample” or test case while maintaining its integrity. He advises going back to the observation later, looking at it from many perspectives, and making judgments only after all feelings have subsided and when it is judged necessary.

Murakami discusses different steps and processes you should take when aspiring to become a novelist. He encouraged you to read work that is already published in your focused style of writing. For example, because I’m an aspiring film producer, it would be beneficial to read scripts and screenplays that are already published and credited. What was especially appreciated by me was Murkami giving value to all forms of writing. “Great novels, not-so-great novels, crappy novels’ ‘ which from Murkami’s perspective and opinion, all help you understand at a physical level how that type of piece is created

Murakami had a consistent theme of knowing and being yourself. Haruki Murakami describes his writing process, emphasizing the importance of connecting images to create a storyline. He stresses the need for kindness when explaining, using easy words, good metaphors, and allegories to convey ideas. This piece from the article emphasizes the value behind your interpretation and expression in your writing; a  key part of creating an authentic, thorough piece. 


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