

Collaboration refers to different interactive writing experiences. Collaboration is something that may not always be successful when writing but can also be successful when bouncing ideas off of eachother in the rough draft process. Collaborative work that we do in college prepares us for teamwork in our professional lives. Collaboration in the world of writing allows you to keep an open mind to the ideas that others have about your work.

Rebecca Ingalls’ “Writing “Eyeball to Eyeball”: Building A Successful Collaboration,” goes into detail that collaboration is a process that is successful. She mentions certain guidelines that are key to be followed when collaborating. In a group you should understand the project at hand, communicate effectively, meet deadlines, and think about the ethics as well as standards as a group to meet the common goal. I feel that incorporating these guidelines will help make sure everyone does their part in groups and 

She also says that choosing a worthy topic is important. With differing opinions in groups there may be ideas that certain people feel are more important than what others believe. Overall I can agree with what Ingalls said completely. Working in groups is something that I have never been good with because I get work done so much more efficiently and I don’t have to rely on if others are carrying their weight or not. I do feel that having the ideas and opinions of others on writings or projects is key to success because peers can lead you in the right direction. 

Throughout my group work experiences I usually tend to agree with what others are saying just like Ingalls said just so we can reach a common agreement. This isn’t always the case in every situation but usually I am found agreeing and saying my point of view on the topic. 


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