Revision Studies



Both of these articles were very interesting to me. In class we discussed a few examples of studies done to try and learn how people write. A lot of these studies, such as Perl (1979) and Rose (1980). I am looking forward to learning about my own writing process, and would love somebody to study me as I do it.

Writing process differ for me greatly depending on what it is that I am writing. For example, if I am writing an essay for a class outside my major, I spend a ton of time planning and gathering information. However, if I am writing something for one of my basketball websites, I think I spend little to no time planning. I just write what I know, and will grab stats as I go.

Donald Murray talked about how surprised he as to see how much time he spends planning. Murray even went on to say that after this study he has changed his teaching in order to allow his students more time for planning.

Carol Berkenkotter provided a chart that showed the subject spending majority of his time planning, regardless of what type of writing he was doing.

These revelations came as surprises to me because I feel I do not enjoy planning my writing. Outlines and things of that nature make my stomach hurt. I hate feeling like I am going into my writing having to stick to some sort of structure, or use some introduction that I thought of a little while ago.

As I learn more about my writing process, maybe I will plan more. It seems to be important.


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