Metaphoric Musing

E. Shelley Reid presents readers with a very good argument challenging things that have been taught to us throughout the years in academic writing. Writing is made to be harder than it has to be because of a few rules you should follow. In order to prevent mistakes and writing in the wrong manner, we are taught these rules which can sometimes hold us back and even challenge a writer even more. For the most part, as long as you meet the requirements of the assignment you can write with more freedom than you think. The reading gives us a few tips to make writing easier starting with not being too caught up in the rules. She then covers being descriptive and knowing your audience. These are definitely important because many writers struggle with this and it can hurt the assignment if not done correctly. It is also important to keep the reader with you and make a strong argument. The rest of the tips are helpful as well and reflecting back I have seen myself struggle with some of the issues addressed. In some of my earlier assignments, I would struggle with staying on task, or following certain rules that are put in place early in writing. Although it is a little late and I have already learned some of these tips, it is good to see someone else trying to help writers who struggled like I did. This essay should be shown to new writers to lift some of the weight off their shoulders and show them that writing isn’t as scary and hard as it is made to seem.


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