Writing with Identity and Authority




Learning how to write is hard enough. But learning how to write with identity and authority can be hard too. We must all learn how to write well, but not just for school but for your job as well. Writing for your workplace is different. We must use what we have learned in school to educate ourselves on how to write at work. If you already know how to write with identity and authority then it shouldn’t be hard to write for your job. Penrose and Geisler show us how Janet and Roger write in regards to being authoritative. We must be knowledgeable of what we are writing about in order to have that power. Both articles go into depth on how to take authority. Penrose and Geisler focus on writing for a specific topic and how we can take action to be more authoritative. Wardle on the other hand, writes about finding identity and authority in your workplace writing. Regardless, for both you have to know what you are talking about. If you aren’t sure about the topic then your writing won’t have authority. Both of the articles do a good job on how to gain identity and authority in your writing. They gave you different but relatable feedback. It is like anything else you must study and practice it in order to figure it out. In this case though we have to also know what we are talking about and be educated on the topic we can’t just write and think we have authority.


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