Finding Yourself In Your Writing



Your Voice

Sister Molly Heine explains in, “Finding Your Style and Voice” about the importance of “you” in your writing. She explains, “the mere fact you wrote your paper or assignment means that it’s already a part of you without having to use “I””. (para 1) Meaning as a writer, you do not have to use “I” to show that it is your work. You can still express yourself through your writing because at the end of the day, it is your work. She also says, “The more you write, the more you can learn to establish your style and voice.” This is true because from my personal experience, the more I write, I’m able to grasp the confidence I need in my writing to be efficient. I believe I was able to obtain this confidence in my freshman year of college. My previous English teacher pushed for the students in his class to be personal in our writings and attach it to the topic in class. When hearing my classmates ideas and perspectives, it helped me be more open in my work. This allowed my work to relate more to the audience. An example of expressing personal ideas in your own work our own classmates in the class blog, In our own content, we express ourselves in order to relate to each other. This allows our writing to appeal to the audience and make sense because of its relatability. Sister Molly Heine gives the perfect template I believe every college student should read. Molly Heine breaks down the importance of truly finding your voice in your writing. As she explains, it simply comes down to practice and repetition.


One response to “Finding Yourself In Your Writing”

  1. […] College Writing Students, is informational and can help many college students or anyone with the foundation in their writing. Personally I will refer back to this article in my future […]

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