Finding My Voice

This article should be read by every writer.

I have been writing for a decent amount of time now. Additionally, I practice with my own sports media accounts on both Twitter and TikTok. In my experience in the journalism and social media worlds, I have noticed that those who utilize their own style stick out.

When I first started writing for LG Hoops, my editor suggested I utilize my unique style more in my writing. He told me that my tweets have such a distinct style and voice, and although it translated into my articles, I could do it more to improve my writing.

At first I didn’t fully understand what he meant. I thought to myself, “This is just how I talk. How do I focus on highlighting that in writing?” Eventually, I realized what he meant. I use certain words and phrases that nobody else does. I pull specific stats that most writers wouldn’t focus on or go into detail about, and that’s my voice.

In the article, Sister Molly pointed out that finding your voice improves your confidence as a writer. That statement could not be more true. Whether you are writing an essay for school or an article on your favorite hobby, being confident in your word choice will make the process a lot less painful.

I am still early in my writing career and am finding my own style more every day still. I will continue to do so as I grow as a writer. I encourage anybody writing, whether for school or work, to focus on staying true to themselves.


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