Why Should We Study Writing?

When it comes to writing, there are so many ways to go about it. There are so many ways to write! Like to make a story, to write opinion pieces, or even a simple report. Every aspect of life expects us to write for something for any reason there can be about it. But no one expects to be able to write like a famous reporter of novelist right off the bat. Writing is one of those tricky things that you can learn to do better. But how can you achieve that?

There are so many ways that you can go about it that there are so many resources that define writing . When looking at Elizabeth Wardle’s “You Can’t Teach “Writing in General””, I do have to agree when she says that writing is not teachable. Writing is almost like art. It’s subjective and anyone can look at it and think if it’s good or bad. But there are some aspects about it that everyone has to learn. Writing can be a hard process or it can be a pleasant experience. There is no real right or wrong way to get things right, but the process in itself can be frustrating. Even as someone who loves to write, there really isn’t a way to really figure out the perfect way to write.

Why is Writing is Difficult?

When looking at writing, one can expect many things to come with it. No one is perfect, and yet anyone can be critical about it. Writing, after all, is subjective, so no one can really say what someone should or shouldn’t do. It’s so difficult to really push anything out. It’s a long process that can happen in any way, shape, or form. There are many ways to look at writing and to perfect it but the way one writes can always be improved upon. This is why I think it’s a great idea for us to study different pieces. Looking at how others view the process and what they think about it, it can give everyone some insight about it, and everyone can ultimately learn from it to be a better writer.

Looking over at Savini’s rules through navigating writing, it allows us to look at any possible problem that may come along when writing something. When looking for the issue, you have to understand what it is. That’s why it’s important for us to go back and reread the material to see what we don’t understand. Noticing the problem is the first step. Once we’ve found the problem, we have to figure out what it is in depth. When that happens, we can look deeper into it.

When looking deeper into the problem, it’s best to also think about questions to ask, like what you can do to fix it and what should be fixed in the first place. Maybe there’s a goal in place to how you want to write something, but you have to question how to get there. These are important motions to go through. Finally, once all of that has been gone through, once has to identify whats at stake. It’s like making a good cake or pie, if one thing is wrong it can all be ruined. By identifying what’s at stake can allow you to avoid trouble and improve on what’s already there.

Writing is something that is extremely subjective so no one is a pro at it. Everyone can run into trouble when it comes to it but I believe that with proper steps and planning, this can be avoided. It’s not possible to avoid everything, but if follow steps to make sure you can improve, then it is worth all the trouble. Writing is tricky and it can be very tricky for anyone. But there are so many ways to learn about it and get better at it that there isn’t much concern on how or where to start.


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