why study writing?

In Catherine’s article, issues and problems that are discussed revolve around writing essays. The way the article breaks the topic down was also very effective. Something that stuck out to me was her example of having a car that broke down. She separates the aspects of the problem you need to look at such as questions that emerged from the problem and what is at stake.

I thought this was really beneficial to the piece because it gave a simple but realistic example of this literary struggle, being faced in real life too. If you utilize the separate categories that you separated your problem into to, then it would be easier for you to understand and overcome this issue. In relation to the car example, questions such as “Can I fix it myself and if not who should I take it to?” would be important to coming up with a solution for your issue.

Asking yourself questions to help come to a conclusion on a puzzling situation would be a useful tool to us. Also recognizing what is at stake because of a problem. It would add a greater feel of urgency and concern when you know what you could potentially lose. Understanding the extent of your situation will also help you make the wiser choice. For example, you may believe that you don’t need help from an outside source to fix your issue, pushing you to “fix” the problem yourself. However, taking matters into your own hands, makes your situation bigger than what it started off as.


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