Thoughts on some of Stephen Kings rules for Writing





For this blog post, I’m specifically going to go over Stephen King’s top 20 rules for writers. However, I won’t be going over all 20 rules, just the ones I specifically want to talk about. One thing I’ve known from personal experience and that I thought was genuinely good advice is to not focus too much on remembering at least at first. I think this is a good way to encourage writers to get their ideas out on paper and thus make their writing process easier for them. One thing I did want to comment on is that I disagree with turning off the TV. Now I’m sure this works for Stephen King but some other people in the world need some sort of noise in the background so that they To work properly. I know sometimes I’ll Want to play music to pump me up and get me through my writing and if I were to turn it off I might not have been as productive as I was. Finally, I want to talk about the final rule. I completely agree with the rule Writing is about getting happy. I think people sometimes will get caught up in the creative process for multiple things. And because of this, this could turn things that people are passionate about Possibly rude to them. So I like that Stephen King says this because what I get out of it is to make sure that you’re still having a decent time making what you’re making


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