Writing In America

Jobless I Suppose

I would like to begin with noting that apparently I am a part of a generation of people who, are not afraid to quit their jobs. Even the slightest issues, like not liking the vibe of the office, or area where we work. Because of this, places are hurting for employees at the moment. So to hear Weins say that they would not hire someone competent and talented at their specific job, for grammatical errors is wild to me.

Yes, I can admit that there are some great points made. The profession of programming is about details. One has to finish a body of work and be able to competently look back at it and spot specific and even tiny errors when it comes to programming. Though this is different than not having made any mistakes at all. To err is human. If all employers were like Weins I would most definitely be jobless. I am a competent enough worker, but I make many mistakes, I do not always catch them. I feel like one would have to be a robot to catch all the mistakes they make ever.


“America needs the stories of its immigrants now more than ever.” Funny that Bugan should mention this considering America is one of the most successful and heart rending immigrant stories to ever exist. After the main plot of the story, there were several other stories, not quite as successful (slavery, indentured servitude etc.). My point is that America has plenty of Immigrant stories with strong moral lessons and pearls of wisdom buried under the pile of lies they fed us in history books growing up. Now all America has to do is tell them and tell them honestly without fabrication or omitting anything. I Wouldn’t bet money on the odds of that happening though.


One response to “Writing In America”

  1. […] do have to concede that I agree. This is definitely the English major in me, however. Unlike Wiens, I feel that it is important to look past the use of grammar and get to the heart of what someone is …. Not everyone has access to the same resources; someone may be a skilled worker and have bright […]

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