Multimodal Composing



The article, An Introduction to and Strategies for Multimodal Composing by Melanie Gagich was definitely a good read. I learned that multimodal is defined as the practice of using multiple forms of communication, such as images, text, sound, and video to convey a message. Sounds really cool when you think about it. Who wants to read an essay if you can just make a collage and explain it better? Understanding the writing in a new light is like seeing it being reborn into something new. As I continued to dive deeper into the article Gaigich also discussed the benefits of multimodal. One example is the ability to engage multiple senses and create a more dynamic and compelling message.


Overall I think this was a great read. It gave me a better understanding of what multimodal is. I have never heard of the phrase before but I know “multi” means many. Creativity plays a huge part in this article because as a writer you are finding more ways to explain your writing, without writing. It is an interesting take on what the article is telling us. I am going to use this concept and turn one of the papers I wrote years ago into a video. But not just a boring video, I am going to turn it into a storytime video. Instead of reading words why not turn them into a story? with that being said it would bring a lot of attention to the audience and would make it easier and funnier to understand. I think it is a great concept.


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