Multitasking, Bad?

Believe it or not, I actually don’t have any social medias at the moment. A couple years ago I deleted all of my social media accounts one by one. I just felt like I was losing my self, my independence, and my creativity. I kind of feel into this “everyone else is doing it so I have to too” mindset and it all got out of control very fast.

I guess you can count YouTube as a social media? Usually, when doing any assignment I put on a movie, a show, or turn something on on YouTube. Unlike regular TV, with YouTube you can interact with others via the comment section.

The comment section on YouTube can act as a distractor because most of the time if I watch a video I go to the comment section to read what other people were feeling after watching the video. If I read a comment I don’t agree with, I comment something under their comment.

So picture this. I sit down to do an assignment, pull out my computer and phone, grab some snack and a bottle of water. I pull up my assignment, open my snacks, open the YouTube app on my phone and scroll till I find a video I’m comfortable with watching, then I get started on my assignment.

I was taught that multitasking is a good thing. I guess not when it comes to working on school assignments I can honestly say. But I don’t think I could ever just sit down and focus 100% on an assignment without doing something else at the same time.


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