Collabs and Failure


in the article “What Experienced Collaborators Say About Collaborative Writing”. There is one collaborative writing where the assignment comes from one person until it gets to the end of the group. If you did not participate in the first stage, the rest of the stages will be difficult. Nancy Allen stated, “The writing researchers learned those who did not interact with the supervision staged (first stage) at the planning stage of the writing process generally had trouble with the editorial stage”. From personal experience this is true. We all had times when we had that one member not participate in the planning stage. While working on the project that person who we will name “Fred” did not know what to do. Fred looked blank every time and we all noticed that he was hesitant to do or say anything. He was afraid he would mess up the project because while we are all on one page, he was on another. But, do not be like Fred, help your team, and be on the same page.


Alexus Yeakel’s article “Failure is Awesome” was a great read for me. In summary, Ms.Yeakel talks about how failure can benefit you. I 100 percent agree with what she is talking about and I will tell you all why I do. From someone who has experienced what failure feels like in constant ways, I can say it does make you better. Failure builds character in you as a person that makes you want to do better. People that say they never failed in life are either lying or scared to even fail at all. Failing is part of life. It could be scary and it could be sad but it is a life lesson indeed. Failure is completely needed in life and even in your writing. I agree with Alexus Yeakel, failure is awesome.


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