Collaboration is key to expressing creativity with others!

Let’s Collaborate and Write!




April 05 2023

Define in the dictionary, Collaborative is an adjective that describes an effort in which two or more parties work together to achieve a common goal. The magic words in this definition are ‘Common Goal’. Meaning that every member of the team must share the same responsibilities, and agree with the rules. Otherwise, the commitment and the effort put forth may be unbalanced. In general, collaborative writing can either be a slum dunk or a win-win. In the article “What Experienced Collaborators Say About Collaborative Writing”, a group of researchers from Perdue University conducted some research on the different types of collaborative writing that have been conducted under different circumstances. The article states that “Weiner makes a distinction between this sort of group work and collaboration. He asserts that consensus is necessary to create a truly collaborative situation. That is, individuals must share power in making decisions that can be accepted by the group as a whole.”

The Requirements For Collaborative Writing

The article describes one type of collaborative writing where the assignment originates from one hand and travels to the next until it reaches the end stage. One issue that was found in this particular research was that the individuals who did not participate in the planning stage had difficulties completing their part in the research. The article states that “the writing researchers learned that those who did not interact with the supervisors at the planning stage of the writing process generally had trouble at the editorial stage.” Therefore, when working on a writing assignment, it is important that everyone is present and interacts with one another at every step. For this kind of collaborative writing, every member of the group would have received the same grade or critics. Additionally, there is another sort of collaborative writing that Bruffee from the article, has trouble with because there is no agreement between the parties. It’s peer-group editing. A process of writing where one single person is the author, and then they edit the assignment and offer suggestions. The author can make the final decision on whether or not to accept comments. In the article, “Bruffee, however, in his early applications of collaborative learning, centered his concern on peer-group of individually written drafts.” This type of writing is one example of one that cannot be counted as collaborative writing. It is a failure because there is no agreement. Almost every constitution says that they use collaborative writing, however, if the process does not meet the requirements, it is not collaborative.


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