My writing process

In “Decisions and Revisions: The Planning Strategies of a Publishing Writer” Carol Berkenkotter explains the processes used to write within this specific assignment. Researchers conducted a study to evaluate how people write.

“Writing is an intellectual activity,” Donald Murray.

I feel like for me personally when I’m working on an assignment and I don’t put my heart into, I’m not going to be putting out my best work. Meaning like when I do an assignment I try to make it personal to me so that it’s easier for me to understand and do.

For example, if I was given an assignment to write about the benefits of going to the dentist, I would tap into the memories I have from going to the dentist and then I would write about it.  

I know for a fact that when I write, I turn the TV on and completely tune it out. I really just put it on for the background noise so I’m not working in complete silence. But I can say that when I get stuck I do stare at the TV until I get another great thought. And then once I get rolling I can’t stop. It’s like I get this fire in me that can’t be put out and all these ideas and creative thoughts and then the fire files my emotions and I get so excited that I finish the assignment.

Usually after I finish a paper, I literally can’t go back and reread it. My brain will not allow me to. Not because it’s tired but I honestly can’t explain why but I literally can not do it.


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