Learn to know it's okay to stop at times. Just look both ways before you continue.

Writer’s Block isn’t the End of the World




It’s something that happens to everyone. Writer’s block can happen when working on an assignment for school or just writing on your own time for personal gain. I’m here to tell you that it is absolutely okay and completely normal. As of writing this post, I’m currently stuck on a group project and website for two other classes. Although I’m personally stressing about these things, I’m also trying my hardest to not beat myself up with being stuck mentally.


It definitely happens to the best of us. It’s another way of saying writer’s block. From Michaela Ramirez’ article (that we read for homework), she stressed that it’s not always a bad thing to have writer’s block. For example, she talks about how it’s inevitable to happen and should be seen as a good thing when writing for any assignment. If you weren’t having trouble writing a paper, then maybe it wasn’t going to be a well produced piece. Something to think about.

Referring back to my last post, I talked about how the rough draft is important and there isn’t a single right or wrong way with doing it. Well, ironically, I find myself procrastinating every time I go back and edit while writing a paper. I get so caught up in making sure the words are right that I almost lose focus on the assignment. This isn’t the case for everyone but it’s something I have noticed recently while trying to be aware.

In the end, when the inevitable writer’s block happens, instead of stressing out, try to give yourself 30 minutes or an hour to calm down and relax. Try tp do something completely different and then throw yourself back at writing. This can be applied to any hobby. I’ve fond myself to work really well with this while getting stuck on writing music for myself. Just keep writing and learn when to give yourself breaks.


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