Revising Yourself and Your Drafts



While writing this and going back and forth with what to write, being able to read through the experiences of other writers allows me to gain a better perspective on what its like to struggle with writing. There’s nothing wrong with struggling with what needs to be fixed. Failure is the mother of success after all! How can we correct this though? What are the ways that we can actively prevent these writer’s block or from having to revise a draft that wasn’t easy to write to begin with? Well, there’s no easy answer to that.

Diversifying Your Outlines by Christopher Morales

Christopher Morales talks about the process of writing in his blog post. When it comes to more than one way to figure out how you’re going to start your paper, there isn’t just one way, nor is there a set way that everyone can work from. Nothing is perfect and everyone has to find out what works for them. This is normal though, as much as school would want us to believe that we have to use the same format for outlines. That’s not how it works. Everyone can find something that works for them! It’s just a matter of finding a process. You can use a storyboard if it really works for you, or just writing down your ideas in a jumbled fashion. If it works, it works!

Failure is Awesome By Alexus Yeakel

You might think that with a title like that, the author really meant that just doing your worst is bad! But that’s not the case. Yeakel mentions that failure is something that just occurs. There’s nothing wrong with that either. The fact that everyone fears failure is what is the problem. Without accepting that it’s a part of the process, then how can you really improve and move on? How is it success if there’s not failure in the process? To fail is to improve and there’s nothing wrong with failing every once in a while.

Writer’s Block is Easily Preventable by Michaela Ramirez

Writer’s block is something that is all too common for everyone. Everyone ends up waiting last minute to do a paper they had been meaning to do and they get extremely stressed about it. How can you deal with that? Is writer’s block forever? Well thankfully, it can be something that is avoided. Ramirez explains that there are ways that she tries to avoid this, if it be listening to music or tv or just having something on in the background, it helps her just write. And that works for her. It shows us that we can look into what helps us with the creative process and help ourselves with how we can avoid writers block. Everyone has their own way to figure out how to write and it can be as simple as listening to music or talking to someone as they write. It’s important to figure out when this can be avoided and used to our advantage.


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