Writing from a different perspective.

I can agree with the author with her beginning statement. Writing is hard; I sit at my computer for hours and stare because I struggle to think about how and what to write for my paper assignment. There’s so much pressure and overthinking when it comes to writing. We want our work to be correct, but when we don’t know if it’s good, we panic and write random things that don’t make sense. A quote to back up my statement would be, “It’s no wonder we get writer’s block, hands poised above the keyboard worried about all the ways we could go wrong, suddenly wondering if we have messages or whether there’s another soda in the fridge.”

As I’ve stated, this quote describes how distracted some people get when writing a paper. Like myself, I listen to music because it helps me work better, but there are time’s when I become distracted and begin to sing the song and forget what I was doing or procrastinate from doing my writing assignment because of writer’s block.

The writer’s tips are fascinating and valuable. I will try these tips to see if they will help me do what I need to do regarding my writing assignments. Using the information in the article makes you right a different way called “Rhetorically. You have more of a focus and write better as a writer. An exciting topic will interest readers because you added more of a personal connection to your paper vs. writing an essay that doesn’t relate to something that has happened or has affected you.


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