Your identity is crucial in any discourse community. Literally, who are you?

Identity Authority reflection. 3\1\23.

This article talks about revealing your true identity in new environments. I think who I am has changed in the last year because of the new environment I was exposed to, which also changed how I write my paper assignments. I believe that writing in the same spot over and over makes you begin to lose focus\motivation within yourself and your writing. That leads to slacking in your academic area.

I like how Elizabeth Wardle broke down identity and authorization. She states, “To tease out our relationships between Identity in writing at the workplace, we need to consider.

The Author, Elizabeth Wardle, talks about when to use authority, like at a very serious workplace with high standers about the environment. But new workers who step into a new community only have little power of control.

When exposed to a new setting, it can be difficult to adjust, like coming to college fresh out of high school. This gives you a chance to re-create who you are and leave old habits and situations from the past. The primary use of authority is associated with your identity as a person. Staying on the right path and doing what’s correct is a good way for management to work correctly only with people on the same level as you. “To find their own unique identities’ within new organizations, newcomers must choose levels and types of engagement; they must find modes of belonging.” This quote from the article shows that being a newbie in a new place helps you find your true identity and helps you become more involved.


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